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They came!!!(^^)

so, as you can see here, autumn hasn't fully develop yet.. i'm getting impatient so i just took a random almost-orange-but-kinda-pink shot of the leaves :p

this was around 6:30pm, apparently there is going to be some FIRE during the Blue Dragon Festival concert tonight..

finally the concert started with some students dancing to... u guessed it, the Gangnam Style. The song was played and performed for like 10 or more!! we were so over it by now.. but we might still be dancing to it if we hear the song in the next couple of years :p

apparently this lady is famous, couldn't get a clear shot, but she got an awesome voice! Somebody told me her name is "NunHa"??

and as the concert was about to reach the end, of course, 2NE1 finally arrived!!! :D

it was hilarious! Earlier our seats was like 50meters away from the stage, then suddenly the Host told us to be prepared. He was like telling the Sports Department students to create a human chain at the front, to avoid crazy fans jumping on the stage. Respect to this students! they got the best clear shot of the artist, but have to work as a guard on every stage shows we had in the Campus.

Then when all the bodyguards were on their places, the host started to tell us to pull our chairs closer to the front. We were like crazy!! everybody was pulling in so close to each other that there were barely gaps between everyone! Literally the arm of our chairs was on top of each other! some even left their chair and just sat on their knees between small gaps of other's chairs.

Usually girls are the crazy people when they see celebs, but not in Korea. Even the boys was like screaming when they saw CL showing off her swag!

Of course we have to have a video of 2NE1 perform! I managed to get them singing the latest "I Love You" song. It was awesome!!

It was an awesome concert, and they ended it millions of Fireworks! I didn't get a picture shot of it, but I did took some videos of the Fireworks display.. maybe I'll upload them later (^^)


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