The snow came for like just 15minutes, it was about 6hours before this picture was taken, but the ice still remained frozen-hard on most of the cars here. I almost fell on my back on the way to my dorm because almost all the roads were covered in ice!
There is like this big basketball court that I always walk through, just to get to the other side faster. But as I started walking it felt like walking on ice! The court was flat and smooth, with no friction what-so-ever, and I was already half way through. So, I forced myself to just continue walking like a geisha.
The horrifying part was that there was no forms of rail or any support I could grab on to while walking on that court, just in case if I stumbled. So I was like, "..just 10meters more, you can do it! you'll make it! don't fall damn it!!"
My malaysian-shoes are so not made for winter.
Well, it did protect me from the cold, but not from falling.
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