*for TIPS Part 1 << click here TIPS Part 2 << click here Especially for the Muslim-Malaysian students, you guys might be worried about your meal plan in a non-islamic country. This is one of those experience that made me missed my country so much and made me realize how much I really love BEEF! For the most part, basically Korean food culture are "almost" similar to us. Koreans also love Rice and Noodles, and you can find these items conveniently at any convenient store.... forgive my unintentional pun :p Anywho~ Koreans also love vegetables, and I mean they Love their Kimchi. I say this because you can find this in every restaurant, except in the Fast Food restaurant... and coffee shops. You'll notice that the Koreans love it so much because even if you didn't ask for it they will still give it to you as one of the side dishes, for Free! At first bite Malaysians might hate it, because it got that slight vinegar taste, and it's not...