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What 2012 meant to me

At the beginning of this year there was only one thing I was excited about, my first internship. It was located at Cyberjaya, and seeing that commuting back and forth to my parents home will be a big hassle there's only one thing I have to do. Rent out a place of my own.

I know that within the western culture having to live in your own place after college is a big deal. Well, not so much for most Malaysians. In my opinion, having your own place would either mean you got a huge sack of cash hidden somewhere, or you have a stable job that provide you more sack of cash. In other words, people with a lot of cash.

On my first day of my internship, my colleague offered me a room in their terrace. Apparently no one was using the room anyway so it only make sense for me to rent it. Plus I don't even have to worry about driving since we can carpool together. The room didn't come with a bed but one of them lent me an extra mattress she got from her old neighbour-friend that moved out months ago. Even though it was not a five-star quality, it was well worth my money. Since my brother lived nearby the place I was working at, I even got the chance to hang-out more with my him and his wife, who was 5 months pregnant at that time. Everything worked out so well in the first few weeks, and I was even considering to work there permanently.

Until an email came that changed all my plan.

Most of my family and friends congratulated me. They even encouraged me to go. Although Korea had never crossed my mind as a place I want to pursue my career in, I thought, "why not?". I told myself that I don't need to be a huge K-pop-culture fan to be able to appreciate the culture, plus I get to add another language skill for my resume.

Japan was always my dream since the past 10 years, but if Allah s.w.t. has decided Korea to be the place for me to learn new experience I shall take it with an open mind.

Everything seems to sort-of work well for me, but there were a few things that held me back. There was some financial issues, the birth of my parent's first grandchild, my graduation ceremony, all of my family/friend's wedding and other things that will make me miss home.

Financing my way to Korea was the hardest part for me, but thankfully my parent made the right decision in making sure we update our savings account every year. I didn't want to use my parents money because I didn't want to make them waste it all on me if my trip to Korea turned out to be a failure. I owe them too much. So, I decided to use my own savings. It would be a stretch for me, but if I can make this work, at least I can make my parents smile.

After thinking it all through, I finally took the plane that brought me here.

Most people would think that studying in a foreign country is a cool thing that also help to spice up the quality of your "resume", well, it is not as easy as it may seem.

One thing for sure, if the culture difference was too broad sometimes you might get bored and decided to quit half-way. I admit I was bored at some-point, but this time I decided to stay and make myself and my family proud.

As the year went by I kept getting invitations from my ex-classmates and colleagues telling me they were getting married. I was surprised after seeing the numbers. I used to have a group of friends in my early high-school days and I remembered that little joke we used to say about who will be married first. Surprisingly most of them said that I will go first before them. Well, the joke's on them! haha!!...but ironically I think the joke was on me, because in that group ALL of them is married, and my best friend is engaged. I seriously think that unconsciously they've put a curse on me. I don't blame them, because they are prettier than me. My friends told me to relax, and that my "prince" will eventually appear some-day. I know I shouldn't freak out, but the reason why I am is because 15 years ago I made a vow to myself that I will get married at this age I am now. Seeing that I only have 9 hours before this year ends, I think I would have to break that vow.

On the bright side the Mayan's prediction was wrong, so my life won't be that bad after all, and I know Allah s.w.t. have a better plan for me, and I'm going to make sure that I'll make it worth the wait.

Until 2012 ends, I want to say thank you to my Family and my Friends. Especially to everyone who supported me in a way that I am most grateful for the rest of my life.

Special thanks to my bestie, Shakila, i'll definitely be there for you on your wedding day.

To my mother's older brothers and older sisters in Penang, Pak Jang, Makcik Hajar, Makteh, Makcik Faridah's family and her daughter's, Kak Ita, Abang Wahab and his huge family. I love all of you.

To my Father's baby sister, Auntie Yang and her husband, thank you so much for your support. You've always believed that I'd be the one who would break the tradition.

Also to my crazy cousin, Dr.Salmi, you are like my best friend, but you are so chatty and so particular about everything, and yet I wouldn't change you in anyway.

Thank you to my mom's best friends, Auntie Ani. Auntie Piah, Auntie Zee, Auntie Yah, Auntie Salamah, Auntie Mas, Auntie Amy and Auntie Faridah and her family, who is also our front-door neighbour.

Our next-door neighbour Ibu and Abah and their children who is like the closest childhood friends I know.

Also my college friends, Hanim, Ezu, Munie, CikNa... one is married and currently pregnant, while the other  three I believe are going to join her soon. Love the blankie by the way (^^).

Of course to my dear friend helena, if I've never met you I don't think I'll be able to persuade myself to get better in Japanese language. I'm happy we were able to re-connect every time I came back to KL. Will wait for you in Japan next year!

Oh yeah, to that guy who always lied to me, but remain honest whenever I need an opinion, Nazier, I hope you and your wife give birth to a beautiful child, and I hope the child takes after your wife and NOT you, well maybe the musical side of you.

Especially to the only grandparent I still have in this world, my Maktuk. I love you very much. I wish you to get well very soon.

Not forgetting my brother and his wife, and the new addition to the family, baby Aariz. I love you guys so much.

Last but not least, my dad, my mom, and my youngest sister. Well, I was never very expressive in the family, and I barely share my feelings to anyone. Although I never say it often I really do love you. More than you know. If you think I was being rebellious and secretive some time, please believe that I was doing my best to make you proud.

Thank you 2012. It's been a great journey.


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