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The most random thing that happened to me in the middle of Seoul

So yesterday I was waiting for the train to come with three of my friends that came to visit the country. Then there's this girl wearing a bawal style hijab walking down the stairs. We were looking at her and I immediately assume she might be a Malaysian, because local malaysian girls can easily recognize other malaysian girl from the hijab style.

The girl took a glance at us too, but she kept on walking since she was busy with her phone. Then when she stopped in front of the train-door next to us she took another look. At that moment we were still looking at her and when we caught her glance we smiled at her, and then slowly she smiled back and started walking towards us. Of course, realizing we were both Malaysians, we reached each other hands and said hello.

The moment she heard our Malaysian's slang she was smiling with joy having to meet with another Malaysian in the city. When I saw her reaction I asked her if she was the only Malaysian student in her campus, and she said Yes! *Malaysians that are excited to meet other Malaysian is the type that haven't had a chance to see or live with other Malaysians for a loooooong time.

In the train we only get to talk for like 2 minutes because her stop was one before ours. We didn't get a chance to properly exchange our name and numbers, so instead she kept saying her numbers out loud for like 3 times until the door closes on our face.

I tried to dial the number for like three times until I got it right, and by the time i did a strange thing appeared on the screen. 

Apparently I've saved her number before. It was named;

"Raudzah, Mimi's friend"

When she finally picked up her phone, I asked her if her name is Raudzah. After knowing it was true I was literally jumping up and down on the phone, and she sounded excited too.

We have never known each other before, so my friend Mimi told me to find each other since she knew that both of us were like the only Malaysian in each campus. But since I lived so far from Seoul I never had time to find her.

Later that night we met at the Bong GuestHouse where me and my friends were staying for the weekend. We chatted and ate for  almost two hours. Then when she decided to get back to her place we've exchanged facebook account, and again we found out my best friend's fiance is a friend of hers!  

Seeing that we were connected in such ways and that we were both in the similar situation, being stranded alone in the university campus, I told myself that every human is connected in a very interesting way.

To me this kind of moments are very beautiful, and that our life is too short for us to be selfish and close-minded about everyone and everything that surround us.

If we kept and open mind to accept the challenge that Allah s.w.t. had set for us we'll definitely see a rainbow after the storm.


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