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Sunset in Semyung...

finally.. i took some pictures! I missed the feeling of pressing shutters one after another. it's awesome! (^^)

All of these pictures were taken using Canon PowerShot A1200.
The cheapest HD Digital Cam that is ABSOLUTELY worth the money for people who want to start learning capturing HD pic but with minimum budget (^^)


  1. sye student BMI jgk, Insya'Allah kalao dpt. march 2012 akan ke sane. dlm proses permohonan :)

    eh kak, TOEFL EXAM nak ambek kak mner ea?

    1. good luck!(^^)
      StudentBatch 2009 ke?

      TOEFL? Kenapa kena amik TOEFL??
      amik course apa kt BMI?

  2. batch s2/10,

    junior akak la kot,..

    amek kos electrical, kak cerita pasal kat sanew. :)

    bleh faham x dorang ajar? hehe

    TOEFL ni exam english utk foreigner.

    akak x kne amek ker?

    akak sye add akak dekat fb apprve k.

    cube cari name "Abu Dzar El-Ghifari"

    1. junior sgt! hehe.. saya batch s2'08 data comm
      kami tak kena amik toefl pun?
      hmm, korg yg dpt offer dok semyung for 2semester ke?

      sebab they told me yg semyung akan bawak 2 lecturer unikl dtg sini utk ajar kelas in english. Pastu, diorg akan try utk buat kelas 50-50 english and korea, so senang la korg belajar. Itu pun kalau betul more than 10 students from malaysia are coming.

      sume kelas za sekarang 100% korean. Kelas bahasa korea pun 100% in korean, cikgu bahasa nye langsung tak reti ckp english.

      kalau amik kelas engineering won't be a problem, sebab most of the terms yg diorg pakai came from english reference. so senang la kita nak cari notes in english.

      ada minat apa2 pasal bhs korea tak seblm ni? kalau hafal sume alphabet-korea sblm dtg sini lagi bagus. Lagi cepat korg bole belajar bahasa korea bila dh ada kt sini. ABC korea senang je. Tak macam tulisan cina. hehe

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. yg kiteorg pegy ni under ACE GLOBAL bla bla bla PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIP..

    die invite 20 org yg terpilih..tapi belum pegy interview lg..

    akak doa2kan la kiteorg smpai sanew. ramai sikit bdak malaysia d sanew, hehe

    eh, kjap. dlm note ni kan die ckp blaja guna 80% english.then for the rest is korean.

    owh, mugkin kite pegy dalam program laen kot. kiteorg undergraduate punye program.

    kite satu ape pon tak tahu bahasa korea, bleh la guide kami yg baru nak blaja ni.

    1. So it's true la maximum 20 students are coming. WoW! (^^)

      there's a reason kenapa diorg start this program for Malaysians only. hehe, korg kena amik chance ni sehabis baik.

      Takpe, waktu za dtg sini langsung tak tahu bahasa korea pun. tapi after a while you'll get use to it. Cuba la try belajar alphabet korea, senang je macam ABC.

      bila korg start interview?


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